Studio B
Three distinct recording environments centred around a Vintage 40 Channel 53 Series Neve Console.
Studio B is slightly smaller than Studio A. Fully wheelchair accessible with three performance rooms, a private kitchen, washroom, and overnight accommodations.
Control Room B
Control Room B is a spacious 458 sq ft built around our beautiful and minty 40 ch inline 53 series Vintage Neve console.
Just like in Control A, there is both a Studer Gold Edition A827 24 track and an ATR-102 2 track with extra frequency response heads, expertly cared for and readied for every session.
Like A, Control B has a similarly flat frequency response, ample client seating, and features Telegrapher Gorilla’s with custom Telegrapher prototype Elephant sub and a pair of Yamaha NS 10s as monitors.
A/D D/A is handled by 32 in 32 out of an Avid HDX card with Burl Mothership conversion on a 2020 Mac Pro with top specs. Software installed includes Pro Tools Ultimate, Logic Pro X and Reaper. Should you require more tie-ins for outboard, instruments, mics, interfaces computers etc, Control B also features 64 additional tie-in lines.
Control Room B also has independently cooled gear racks and ample, silent ventilation.
Stereo EMT style plate & AKG BX 20 reverbs live directly beneath Control B; safely distanced from the chamber of pain to avoid any unwanted acoustics/basement demons.
All instruments (barring pianos), floating outboard, mics, amplifiers, speakers and secrets are shared between Studios A and B.
Live Room B
Live B is 520 sq ft with floating concrete floors, acoustic barnwood and original brick walls; suspended, isolated and insulated 12ft sawtooth ceilings; and is treated for a controlled yet vibey sound.
Dead B
Dead B at 166 sq ft is slightly smaller and even deader sounding than Dead A. Again; not actually dead, just on the inside…jk.
Just like Dead A, it is of a room-within-a-room construction with floating wood/carpeted floor; acoustically coupled to its mirror basement room; and has a spring isolated, hanging and insulated ceiling. We really enjoy this room for 70s dry drums and acoustic guitar, as well as recording electric guitar, bass and triangle solos with absolute separation.
Just like Studio A, it’s fun to crack the door open and throw a mic in the big live room…voilà; a room sound blended to taste!
Iso B
Iso B is a 23 sq ft isolation booth that still maintains sightlines to every room in studio B. Best uses: intimate, dry vocals and guitars, whisper crying, recorder and daily affirmations.
The kitchen/hallway/entrance is a 1200 sq ft space of large openings, nooks and sinewy hallways with tie lines to Control Room B. Add another 600 sq ft if you include the onsite accommodations/office and the washrooms, which are all located conveniently close to said tie lines.
Get weird and record anything, anywhere…go full Led Zep if you want and mic up the old freight elevator or even our massive garage with a 35ft vaulted ceiling. You only yolo once!
Client Accommodations
We have two dorms that can each accommodate 5 people (up to 8 each if you don’t mind sharing a bed), both with a private shower/bath and kitchen.
For visiting musicians, engineers, producers and dignitaries, on site accommodation is $100 per dorm regardless of duration of stay!